Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Welcome to the Nursery Class

Image result for nursery class logo

Meet Our Staff 

Mrs Leese- Class Teacher, Early Years Foundation Stage Leader and English Leader 

Mrs Rammell - Early Years Practitioner 

Mrs Lythgoe- Early Years Practitioner (PPA cover) 

Mrs Leese and Mrs Rammell welcome you all to our vibrant and very busy learning environment.

The day begins at 8.55 am and finishes at 3.05 pm.

The children will work in both Key-worker families (Red Robins and Blue Birds) and as a whole class family at different points throughout the day. 

Our learning environment offers a breadth of fun and exciting experiences, nurturing  children to develop their independence and resilience therefore allowing them to flourish into confident and caring members of our community here in Fenton. 



Our Catholic Ethos

The Catholic ethos is placed at the very heart of the school. It is that which permeates all aspects of school life.

Our school week includes daily prayers, RE Lessons, Relationship and Health Education, Mass, Collective Worship and regular discussion throughout the day about the Bible and the life of Jesus. 

Snack time

 Image result for snack time bagel and a carton of school  milk  Image result for toasted bagel      Image result for bottle of water chidren

Children are provided with bread and milk in the morning and fruit, salad and bread in the afternoon. We ask that all children bring a bottle of fresh water into school each day. We do however discourage children from bringing in juice or fizzy drinks as we are a healthy school therefore please ensure that only water is provided. 



Physical Development

We use the outside classroom daily so please ensure that your child has a coat and suitable footwear in school. We ask that a warm, waterproof coat is provided through the winter months and sun cream is applied before school during the spring and summer months, when the temperatures begin to rise. We will provide a school sun hat for all children to wear when they are at school. Wellington boots are a MUST, all year around, due to our wonderful erratic British weather. We ask that a pair are left at school, in your child's personal basket, to ensure that all children have equal opportunities to use the outdoor space in all types of weather.  

We have a weekly PE lessons which take place every Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child needs to arrive dressed in full PE kit every Tuesday and Wednesday. They do not need to bring their uniform with them. 

*In the interest of health and safety, no jewellery is permitted in the Early Years Foundation Stage*

Image result for home leaning logo

Home learning is a very important part of your child’s academic development. It supports and consolidates the work your child is doing in school and it also gives you a chance to become involved in the learning process. 



Your child will be provided with a book, reading diary and a plastic wallet.  Reading books will be changed during the week once the children have practised reading the book at home and parents have signed the diary, providing some feedback.  Repetition is key, therefore we encourage parents to read with their children daily using both school books and books from home.  Please discuss the pictures with your child and provide questions about the story and the characters. Also, encourage your child to hold the book correctly and turn the pages independently. All of these skills will help your child to grow into a skilled reader. Include a story within your child's bedtime routine  as this will also develop an enjoyment and love of reading.  Reading exposes  children to new  language and opens up many conversations and questions about the world in which they live. 

Additional Home Learning

Additional home learning will be set each Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday. This will be a mixture of activities to develop your child's; 

-Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

-Understanding of the World

-Communication and Language

-Creative Development

-Maths skills

-Physical Development 


11 by 11

11 challenges by 11 years old.

All children are provided with a red book with a set of challenges at the front. We ask that children and parents work their way through the challenges together, sharing these experiences and building up their knowledge about the local area in which they live. The activities are fun and achievable for all. Additionally, they  will expose children to a breadth of new and exciting experiences as well as lots of new vocabulary.  


Learning Support

Please google and visit the online sites and enjoy playing the free games ;



For free Phonics resources see

100 Things before you are six


 Join one of our local librarians for 'Singing Bears.'


Free access to parents due to school closure


Phonics play- Phase 1 and 2




See the source image


There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected.


Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.

These are the prime areas:
• communication and language
• physical development
• personal, social and emotional development

We also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.


The specific areas are:
• literacy
• mathematics
• understanding the world
• expressive arts and design



For more information  please see below.


Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage


Development Matters


 Parental Contribution

'Parents are the child's first educators'

In the Early Years foundation stage we use an online learning journey called 'Tapestry' to evidence the learning that takes place. We ask that parents log into this account and engage, by commenting on their child's uploads and successes, viewing and using the recommended websites, accessing home- learning but to also share their own photos to show what learning is taking place at home. 

We also provide a 'WOW' form to document milestones that children overcome at home which can be filled out and sent back into the nursery class to be displayed. They are located in the cloakroom area. Alongside this, parents will be provided with a star template in the nursery pack. We ask that parents discuss with their children the aspirations that they have and what they would like to achieve by the end of the nursery school year. 


Tapestry online learning Journey, learning Journey books and RE books are all readily accessible to parents/carers. 

Follow us on Twitter 

Notices and reminders will be placed on the nursery door.