Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

 Welcome To Year 4 

  Summer 1

 Road Trip USA 

A Geography based unit.

Buckle up, sunglasses on. We’re going on a road trip across the good old US of A. Flying from London Gatwick, and landing at JFK airport New York, it’s time to explore the sights and sounds of the Big Apple. Use your map skills to navigate your way around some of its most famous landmarks and send a postcard home to ask the question ‘Do you wish you were here?’ Learn how to send an email to book a day trip or reserve a room. Make sure you ask the important questions ‘Does your hotel have a pool? Is there 24-hour room service?’ Meet the Iroquois tribe; Native Americans with amazing customs and traditions. Then plan a bespoke road trip for Mr Smith and his family of four. They want to spend three weeks in the sunshine. It’s going to be a long ride. Put the roof down and let the wind blow through your hair. We’re off.




Grandma's Dreamcatcher- B R Mcrae

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky- S Jeffers






Summer 2


A Science based unit

Potion: a poison, a mixture, an aromatic brew, a vapour, a liquid or sticky goo. Welcome to the amazing magical world of potions and their properties. Now scientists, beware. There are some powerful and deadly potions out there, dangerous, unpredictable or tragic (just ask Romeo and Juliet.) Use what you know about materials and their properties to create incredible potions in Professor Hazard’s Potions class. Feeling sleepy? That orange juice did taste a little strange...



Linked text: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll

Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare


Summer Term

PE -Monday and Thursday


In Year 4 times tables are of great importance as in June there is a multiplication test.

Children need to practice quick recall of all timestables up to 12.

Please use TTRS and Topmarks/Hit The Button.


  Home Learning:

Children are asked to read daily at home, recording this in their reading dairies.   

Topic linked homework will be set under activities on Seesaw.

In addition to this, children can access the following websites to enhance and further support their learning at home:


Children are encouraged to read books at school. When they have finished reading them, they need to go on the following link and complete their quiz. 

Renaissance Home (

Please listen to your child read everyday at home and sign their diaries.

Bedrock learning vocabulary Digital Literacy Curriculum | Bedrock Learning


Maths: (login using your username and password given by school)

Numbots Game 

ICT: (Login using your username and password given by school)

Please enter some files.