Year 5
Mrs Williams and Mrs Harding and would like to welcome you to the Year 5 page.
Link to the Year 5 Gallery page:
Topic - Sow, Grow and Farm
In the Sow, Grow and Farm project, we will learn about allotments in the United Kingdom and how the government encouraged people to have them to support food rationing during the Second World War. They will learn about food webs and animal life cycles, including how living things are dependent on one another within a habitat. They will investigate the different ways that plants reproduce and will dissect flowering plants to identify the different structures. They will have the opportunity to learn about farming in the United Kingdom and the techniques used in modern farming, including the challenges that farmers face. They will learn about the benefits of eating seasonally and about the pros and cons of importing food. They will also learn about world farming and how the different climate zones affect where different foods can be grown.
Science - Living Things and Their Habitats
This ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’ unit will teach about the process of reproduction and the life cycles of plants, mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. The children will explore reproduction in different plants, including different methods of pollination and asexual reproduction. They will recap their work in Year 3 by playing a game to name the parts of a flower. The children will have the opportunity to take cuttings from plants, creating clones of the parent plant. They will learn about different types of mammals and their different life cycles, making life cycle wheels to present their learning. Furthermore, the children will find out about Jane Goodall and her work with the now-endangered chimpanzees in Africa. They will explore metamorphosis in insects and amphibians, comparing their life cycles. Finally, the children will explore the life cycles of birds, and will write and star in their own wildlife documentary comparing the life cycles of different living things.
PE is every Monday and Thursday during this half term. Children can wear their PE kits on PE days to reduce congestion and close proximity in the areas used for changing. If possible, please don't let children wear earrings on PE days.
Home Learning
We ask that children read at home regularly at home. Children can read independently, to an adult, or to a sibling. Please ensure reading diaries are signed at least two times a week.
Children need to be practising times tables regularly at home, they can use TT Rockstars to help. Children also need to be using Bedrock at home to help with their grammar. Additional homework may also be set on Seesaw.
Children will be given spellings every Tuesday for a spelling test on Friday. The weekly spellings are also posted on Seesaw. Please ensure children are practising their spellings at home during the week.
Useful links:
Accelerated Reader (Quizzing)
Purple Mash