Spring 1 - Urban Pioneers Spring 2 - Gods and mortals
Our Fabulous class team is made up of:
Mrs Davies, Miss Evans, Mrs Imran, Mrs Buttery
Creative Curriculum:
Spring 1 - This Art based unit explores the work of Banksy. We will explore urban spaces and capture this through a range of sketching and photography skills.
Spring 2 - We will travel back in time to Ancient Greece and explore the vast history that this place and time has to offer.
Toast money
Toast, milk and juice are available to children for a morning snack. To enable your child to purchase this, money needs to be paid via Parentpay.
This term we have PE on a Wednesday and Thursday so all pupils will need to come into school wearing a P.E. kit on these days. Please remember that earrings should not be worn on P.E. days and must be removed before school. PE Kit must be as follows: PE top (OLCA logo), blue shorts, socks and pumps/trainers.
Homework will sent out each week. This will usually be through our online platform Seesaw. This must then be handed in by the following Thursday. The children will also be provided with spellings to practice each week. They will then have a spelling test to assess their progress in these.
In our school we provide depth in learning through the use of the White Rose scheme.
During year 3 children start to progress from the reading scheme onto accelerated reader where they choose their own books and then will complete a quiz on the book. This may take the children a while to get their heads round so please be patient with them and us. The children will start by completing an online reading test that will determine the level books they should be reading. The children can then lend books from the school library or books from home. Once they have completed the book they will take a quiz to check their understanding. The quiz typically has 5 questions and the pass rate is 90%.
Children are encouraged to read books at school. When they have finished reading them, they need to go on the following link and complete their quiz.
Please listen to your child read everyday at home and sign their diaries.
TT Rockstars
Year 3 love Times Table Rock Stars and it really helps with learning their times tables. We use TTR in school regularly and any additional practice at home is a real help.
(login using your username and password given by school)
Numbots is a maths app from the creators of Times Table Rock Stars but focusing on addition and subtraction. Numbots works on understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, helping children move from counting to calculating
Numbots is available as an app both on iOS and Android and as a website here.
(Login using your username and password given by school)